(verb) to win over by wiles; entice / (verb) to acquire by ingenuity or flattery; wangle
I managed to inveigle my way into the London Real Estate Forum
I managed to inveigle my way into the London Real Estate Forum
(noun) an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility
giving permission for land to be built on immediately makes it soar in value (this is known as 'betterment')
giving permission for land to be built on immediately makes it soar in value (this is known as 'betterment')
officially "Social Insurance and Allied Services"; an influential document from November 1942 detailing the founding of the welfare state in the UK; chaired by Liberal economist William Beveridge
the Beveridge Report of that year, which underpinned the future of the welfare state by taking aim at the five social evils of want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness
the Beveridge Report of that year, which underpinned the future of the welfare state by taking aim at the five social evils of want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness
the practice of aggregating parcels of land for future sale or development
Ed Miliband identified similar issues and criticized developers for 'land banking', the process whereby housebuilders buy up land and fail to build on it as they wait for it to rise in value.
Ed Miliband identified similar issues and criticized developers for 'land banking', the process whereby housebuilders buy up land and fail to build on it as they wait for it to rise in value.
(noun) the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents
Because of the role played by central and local government in estate regeneration, for many academics the population shifts which result from it are no longer known as 'gentrification', but 'state-led gentrification'.
Because of the role played by central and local government in estate regeneration, for many academics the population shifts which result from it are no longer known as 'gentrification', but 'state-led gentrification'.
(noun) a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being / (noun) a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence
This is what academics call 'ontological security', a sense of order and continuity in relation to experiences.
This is what academics call 'ontological security', a sense of order and continuity in relation to experiences.