naturally accompanying or associated
“the decline in unionization” (and the concomitant decline in worker bargaining power) “explains about half of the rise in incomes for the richest 10 percent”
“the decline in unionization” (and the concomitant decline in worker bargaining power) “explains about half of the rise in incomes for the richest 10 percent”
(noun) a piece of food dipped or steeped in a liquid / (noun) a conciliatory or propitiatory bribe, gift, or gesture / (verb) to steep or dip in or as if in liquid / (verb) to wet thoroughly; soak / (verb) mop / (abbreviation) standard operating procedure; standing operating procedure
saw that as a sop to powerful southern conservatives
saw that as a sop to powerful southern conservatives
eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
a formal procession of people walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles
exposed a cavalcade of corruption
exposed a cavalcade of corruption
a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle; the general form is "apostasy"
Some see Kaiser's cooperation with its union as a fool's errand; some view it as apostasy.
Some see Kaiser's cooperation with its union as a fool's errand; some view it as apostasy.