literally the “era of Zhdanov,” is the name given to the post-1945 purge conducted in the soviet union against intellectuals, artists, and writers, condemned for their supposed “bourgeois” sympathies
The time is February 1949, and the zhdanovshchina--the purge of intellectuals by Stalin's culture hoodul, Andrei Zhdanov--is beginning.
The time is February 1949, and the zhdanovshchina--the purge of intellectuals by Stalin's culture hoodul, Andrei Zhdanov--is beginning.
(verb) to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse / (verb) to urge or advise earnestly
Adjuring Western civilization to eliminate all Jews--men, women, and children--and to eradicate their very shadow from mankind
Adjuring Western civilization to eliminate all Jews--men, women, and children--and to eradicate their very shadow from mankind
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of Rabelais or his works / (adjective) marked by gross robust humor, extravagance of caricature, or bold naturalism
Céline's private manner and literary work are immersed in a black laughter of Rabelaisian propoirtions.
Céline's private manner and literary work are immersed in a black laughter of Rabelaisian propoirtions.
(noun) excrement / (noun) something that is morally degrading
the pageant and the proximate ordure
the pageant and the proximate ordure
(noun) sustained and bitter railing and condemnation; vituperative utterance / (noun) an act or instance of vituperating
It is the sheer weight of Céline's racist vituperations
It is the sheer weight of Céline's racist vituperations
(verb) to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust
He glimpses purloined letter where others stare at wallpaper.
He glimpses purloined letter where others stare at wallpaper.
(noun) divining rod / (noun) a person who uses it / (verb) to plunge into water / (verb) to throw a liquid on; drench / (verb) slosh / (verb) extinguish / (verb) to fall or become plunged into water
Like a dowser, he senses the significant deeps underneath the long-trodden surface.
Like a dowser, he senses the significant deeps underneath the long-trodden surface.
(adjective) hidden from sight; concealed / (adjective) difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend; deep / (adjective) of, relating to, or dealing with something little known or obscure
the truly great scholar becomes as one with his material, however abstruse, however, recondite
the truly great scholar becomes as one with his material, however abstruse, however, recondite
the way of grief
Thomas Nevin gives only a summary sketch of this via dolorosa.
Thomas Nevin gives only a summary sketch of this via dolorosa.
(noun) proof / (noun) an act of approving formally or officially / (noun) commendation, praise
this young Jew of the French para-Marxist left came to make a series of approbatory comments on Hitler
this young Jew of the French para-Marxist left came to make a series of approbatory comments on Hitler