(adjective) shut off from the light; dark murky / (adjective) hard to understand; obscure / (adjective) causing gloom
In some tenebrous manner, Hitler saw in the messanaic coherence of the Jewish people
In some tenebrous manner, Hitler saw in the messanaic coherence of the Jewish people
(noun) air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality; demeanor / (noun) appearance aspect
th native qualities of childhood in a child's mien and motion
th native qualities of childhood in a child's mien and motion
(noun) a building or chamber in which bodies or bones are deposited
on medieval graveyards and charnel houses
on medieval graveyards and charnel houses
(noun) a building or chamber in which bodies or bones are deposited
on medieval graveyards and charnel houses
on medieval graveyards and charnel houses
(noun) the nest of a bird on a cliff or a mountaintop / (noun) a brood of birds of prey / (noun) an elevated often secluded dwelling, structure, or position
My wife and I never made it to that famed aerie
My wife and I never made it to that famed aerie
(adjective) of, relating to, or suggestive of marble or a marble statue especially in coldness or aloofness
its marmoreal ferocity
of prose
its marmoreal ferocity
of prose
to walk or perform another act while asleep or in a sleeplike condition
sclerotic, somnambular epilogue to its ancient ways
sclerotic, somnambular epilogue to its ancient ways
(noun) an exhibition of optical effects and illusions / (noun) a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined / (noun) a scene that constantly changes / (noun) a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage
distant, phantasmagoric America
distant, phantasmagoric America
(noun) a person in charge of the sacristy (a room in a church where a priest prepares for a service, and where ceremonial equipment are kept)
"[...] take part in the life of the spirit as vergers or sacristans"
"[...] take part in the life of the spirit as vergers or sacristans"
a person, usually a layperson, who assists in the ordering of religious services, particularly in Anglican churches
"[...] take part in the life of the spirit as vergers or sacristans"
"[...] take part in the life of the spirit as vergers or sacristans"