(adjective) putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay / (adjective) not providing an opportunity to show cause why one should not comply / (adjective) admitting of no contradiction / (adjective) expressive of urgency or command / (adjective) characterized by often imperious or arrogant self-assurance / (adjective) indicative of a peremptory attitude or nature; haughty / (noun) a challenge (as of a juror) made as of right without assigning any cause
promulgating art's
deliberate, peremptory
love and arrogance.
promulgating art's
deliberate, peremptory
love and arrogance.
(verb) to cause a splashing or spattering effect / (verb) to break the surface of (water); splash
(noun) a falling off or away; deterioration / (noun) descent slope
(adjective) shut off from the light; dark murky / (adjective) hard to understand; obscure / (adjective) causing gloom
The poet's dream stole over him like sunlight
And passed into the tenebrous thickets.
The poet's dream stole over him like sunlight
And passed into the tenebrous thickets.